Friday, July 25, 2014

You’re University’s Student Focus

I had an interesting conversation with a well-known learning & teaching professional from a national higher education organization this week.  The individual made a statement that caused me pause, he stated that the learning and teaching focus at universities had changed more in the last three years than it had in his entire career spanning three decades.   My initial reaction suggested this was an exaggeration and he was trying to make a point that pedagogy was important to the success of universities relevance.  As the discussion progressed I realized he was correct for a number of reasons.   The first point was the problem related to the cost of higher education and student debt.  The second point was the introduction of MOOC’s, MOOC’s are requiring universities to evaluate their responsibility to educating student’s worldwide, not just nationally.  The final point was the support structure universities have in place to support student success, questioning if what has worked for centuries will work in a world that is connected and that has technology available to the masses.

                The conversation caused me to evaluate how I believe universities are doing today in supporting students.   I decided to develop a checklist of how relevant we are to students today.  I have listed five areas that you should review to determine how well your university is doing meeting your student’s requirements.

1.      Does your university have a senior level academic administrator that coordinates student support services across all disciplines? Has your university developed a holistic approach to meeting the academic support requirements of students?   Does your undergraduate studies department meet monthly with the library and technology staff to understand the support structure needed to meet the rigorous academic requirements of the classroom?  I have discussed this with many universities and I have found very few have student support departments working together, often universities are funding a number of students support services but the individual departments do not work together.  The result is students being frustrated when trying to complete their coursework.   I don’t believe universities have a problem with funding student success but I do believe that a lack of communications across department’s limit the success of what could be accomplished.

2.      What hours are your student support services are staffed?  An insightful comment was made by a senior level administrator at our university.  His comment was the university is a nine-to-two organization, it’s just the wrong nine-to-two.  Many students begin their academic work after 7:00 PM, how many libraries are staffed at that time, how many academic student services are open after 5:00 PM and how many student technology labs have individuals that can assist in subject matter questions in the evening.  Is it possible the student support structure that was established a century ago is no longer relevant to today’s student?

3.      Is your universities wireless networking infrastructure robust?  It is not uncommon for a student to have two or more wireless devices.   Today the cost of a laptop, tablet or smartphone is less than five hundred dollars and most students have two devices.   The wireless network must be robust, networks established five years ago will not meet the needs of today’s student.  Libraries, study areas and classrooms must be able to support 50 or more students  concurrently accessing information in the classroom, faculty use of video to support instruction is growing, faculty and students are going to expect the technology infrastructure to work.   A good rule of thumb is your technology infrastructure must be as easy to use as their home networks.  Our university has over 6000 wireless access points and I would predict that we will need over 12,000 in the next five years.

4.      Is your university mobile friendly?  A good place to evaluate is the applications students are expected to use, the learning management system, the library system, your student registration system.  Many universities have retrofitted their applications to work on mobile devices but far fewer have spent the time to architect a user interface that works well on a mobile device.  A mobile friendly system must have the middle-ware changed to meet the expectations of students.  It is good to remember that we are not being evaluated against other university’s applications but against the student experience from Google, Apple or Facebook.

5.      Are you investing in student analytics to support student success?  Has   your academic departments invested in faculty development to ensure information is available to assist in understanding the students being successful and the students having difficulty.   Is your Information Technology organization providing the departments with real time information to allow faculty to advise the student in a timely manner? Student analytics must encompass the entire teaching learning ecosystem and includes information from outside resources such as textbook publishers to provide faculty with a comprehensive view of the student’s efforts.

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