Sunday, November 27, 2011

The future of Libaries in a digital world

Reading blogs this morning and found one to be interesting, it focused on Innovation and collaboration: the future of academic publishing and HE libraries. A random comment from the article.....

Both publishing and academia are facing huge change – for the former, entering a new digital paradigm, and for the latter, facing an overhaul of the way universities are funded – which, together, see the Higher Education system being churned. And with churn must come innovation.

By working together, both in terms of across the HE sector and between the HE and publishing sectors, publishers and librarians should be able to rise to the challenges presented and exploit new opportunities without compromising the quality of teaching and research experienced by students. It may mean untying some knots, collaborating in some areas rather than competing, and searching out new opportunities; however, it is necessary if both the academic publishing industry and UK universities want to survive.

I encourage you to take time to read the entire blog post.

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