Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Future of Higher Education - Larry Summers

Larry Summers recently wrote an Article for the New York Times titled "What You (Really) Need to Know" . The article looks at the University today and discusses changes that should be considered to remain relevant.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Universities Responsibilities

Two recent articles in the New York Times points out the importance of the freedom of access to information. The first was an article by OP-ED columnist by Thomas Friedman that challenged readers to understand the importance of ubiquitous access information. The article suggests the growth of the Internet produced two important outcomes, the first was access to information and the second was economic growth. It is clear Universities were critical to the development of the Internet by becoming anchors of the Internet 2 project and leading the effort to ensure information was available to the general population. The new university based project GigU expects to do the same for economic development. The challenge to universities is to transform and innovate, MITx online access to education is an excellent model for others to replicate.

The second article was a letter to the editor by Vince Cerf, titled Internet Access Is Not a Human Right. Cerf points out that technology is an enabler of rights and must be available to everyone to ensure the expansion of freedom in the world. It is amazing how social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook provide access to what is really happening in real time. Universities must continue to be the spokesperson to demand that emerging technologies are allowed to remain open and available to everyone everywhere. Cerf states Internet access must become a civil right.

The two articles challenge university leadership to remain committed in their resolve to ensure the Internet is allowed to grow and not be restricted by others who would like to control information for profit or political gain. Universities should be proud of the success they have achieved in their investments in technology to support the growth of the Internet. Universities should be congratulated on the leadership that ensured everyone has equal access to information.